Unleashing the Power of AI for Note Taking: A Streamlit App with OpenAI

krishankant singhal
4 min readMar 15, 2024

The ever-growing field of Generative AI offers exciting possibilities for streamlining our daily tasks. This blog post explores how we can leverage OpenAI’s powerful models to create a user-friendly AI Note Taking application using Streamlit.

The Problem:

Taking notes can be a time-consuming process, especially during lectures, meetings, or interviews. Traditional methods often require manual transcription or shorthand, which can be inefficient and error-prone.

The Solution: An AI-powered Note Taker

Our Streamlit application tackles this challenge by offering two user-friendly options:

  1. Record Audio: Users can directly record audio using their microphone.
  2. Upload Audio File: Provide a previously recorded audio file for transcription.

The recorded or uploaded audio is then processed using the following steps:

1. Speech-to-Text Transcription:

  • We utilize OpenAI’s Whisper model, a state-of-the-art speech recognition model, to transcribe the audio into text. This eliminates the need for manual transcription, saving users valuable time.

2. AI-powered Note Generation:

  • Once the audio is transcribed, the text is passed on to another OpenAI model, ChatGPT. This model analyzes the transcript and generates concise and informative notes. Users can…



krishankant singhal

Angular,Vuejs,Android,Java,Git developer. i am nerd who want to learn new technologies, goes in depth.