Building Generative AI Apps with Hugging Face Inference API

krishankant singhal
3 min readMar 12, 2024

The world of Generative AI is booming, and Hugging Face is at the forefront, providing access to powerful models through their user-friendly Inference API. This blog post will guide you through using the Hugging Face Inference API to create your own Generative AI applications. We’ll explore:

  • What is the Hugging Face Inference API?
  • Accessing the API and Getting Your Inference Endpoint
  • Building a Generative AI App with Code Example
  • Secondary Example: Text-to-Image Generation

What is the Hugging Face Inference API?

Hugging Face’s Inference API offers a seamless way to interact with pre-trained machine learning models hosted on their platform. This API allows you to send requests (queries) containing your desired input (text, code, images) and receive the model’s generated output. It eliminates the need for setting up your own infrastructure, making Generative AI accessible to everyone.

Accessing the API and Getting Your Inference Endpoint

To use the Hugging Face Inference API, you’ll need a few things:

  1. Hugging Face Account: Create a free account at
  2. API Token: Generate an API token from your account settings (Security > API Tokens). This token allows authorized access to the API.



krishankant singhal

Angular,Vuejs,Android,Java,Git developer. i am nerd who want to learn new technologies, goes in depth.